class 12th english bihar board objective question 2023 Story of english 100 Marks Objective 2023
Class 12th english bihar board objective question 2023 :बिहार बोर्ड 12th इंग्लिश ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन इंटर एग्जाम 2023 बिहार बोर्ड इंग्लिश 100 मार्क्स मॉडल पेपर 2023 डाउनलोड पीडीएफ बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति द्वारा वेबसाइट पर जारी Story of english 100 Marks Objective 2023 [adinserter block=”30″]
Class 12th english bihar board objective question 2023
1. The English language is much younger than –
(A) Latin
(B) Greek
(C) Persian
(D) All the three
2. The Anglo-Saxons invaded England in the –
(A) fifth century
(B) Sixth century
(C) Seventh century
(D) None of these
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3. The English language of today reflects………….. centuries of political and social developments.
(A) fourth centuries
(B) fifth centuries
(C) sixth centuries
(D) seventh centuries
4. Who were called together the Anglo-Saxons ?
(A) Angles
(B) Saxons
(C) Jutes
(D) All the three
5. ……………. gave England its name and language.
(A) Indians
(B) Anglo-Saxons
(C) Romans
(D) None of these
6. Old English covers—
(A) AD 449 — AD 1066
(B)AD 1067 – AD 1099
(C) AD 1100 – AD 1149
(D) AD 1150 – AD 1500
7. Middle English covers –
(A) AD 449 – AD 1066
(B) AD 1067.- AD 1099
(C) AD 1100 – AD 1149
(D) AD 1150 – AD 1500
8. English used since AD 1500 till now is called …………. English.
(A) Old
(B) Middle
(C) Modern
(D) None of these
9. The history of English language is just about ……….. years old.
(A) fifteen hundred
(B) sixteen hundred
(C) seventeen hundred
(D) None of these
12th English 100 Marks Objective Questions 2023
10. In England Printing Press was invented in –
(A) 1475
(B) 1476
(C) 1477
(D) 1478
11. In the old English period the two major influences were –
(A) Latin and French
(B) Latin and Greek
(C) Latin and Scandinavian
(D) Latin and Indian
12. The gold period of old English literature was the era of –
(A) King Alfred
(B) King Richard – II
(C) Queen Elizabeth
(D) None of these
13. The year AD 1066 is taken to be the end of te ……. period.
(A) Middle English
(B) Old English
(C) Modern English
(D) None of these
14. About …………… Christianity began to spread in England.
(A) AD 400
(B) AD 500
(C) AD 600
(D) AD 700
15. The first phase of Middle English literature covers the period
(A) AD 950 – AD 1350
(B)AD 1050 – AD 1215
(C) AD 1150 – AD 1215
(D) None of these
16. The second phase of Middle English Literature covers the period .
(A) AD 950 – AD 1350
(B) AD 1050 – AD 1350
(C) AD 1150 – AD 1350
(D) AD 1250 – AD 1350
17. Chaucer, Gower, Langland and Wyclif are important writers of the ……….. period.
(A) Old English
(B) Middle English
(C) Modern English
(D) None of these
18. Módern English begins from –
(A) AD 1300
(B) AD 1400
(C) AD 1500
(D) AD 1600
19. The printing technology was introduced in England in –
(A) 1466
(B) 1476
(C) 1486
(D) 1496
Class 12th english 100 marks objective 2023
20. The name ‘Augustan” was given to the early ……… century.
(A) 17th
(B) 18th
(C) 19th
(D) 20th
21. …………. Was also known as the Augustan age.
(A) 16th century
(B) 17th century
(C) 19th century
(D) 19th century
22. The British Grammar was written by J. Buchanan in –
(A) 1760
(B) 1762
(C) 1764
(D) 1766
23. The English from 15th Century till now is called English –
(A) Old
(B) Middle
(C) Modern
(D) None of these
24. …… is a ‘window to the world’.
(A) Hindi
(B) Urdu
(C) English
(D) Chinese
25. ……………. has the largest number of native speakers.
(A) English
(B) Chinese
(C) Urdu
(D) Hindi
26. In the UK, the USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, English is spoken as a –
(A) foreign language
(B) second language
(C) mother – tongue
(D) None of these
27. In India, Singapore, Malaysia, Nigeria, Namibia, Botswana etc. English is spoken as a –
(A) second language
(B) mother-tongue
(C) foreign language
(D) None of these
28. English is also used as a ___ by the Anglo Indian community of India.
(A) foreign language
(B) mother-tongue
(C) second language
(D) None of these
29. In China, Japan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Eritrea, France, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil etc.English is spoken as a –
(A) mother-tongue
(B) second language
(C) foreign language
(D) None of these
Class 12th english 100 marks objective questions 2023
30. English developed from the speech of the —
(A) Anglo-Indian
(B) Anglo-Saxon
(C) Anglo-American
(D) None of these
31. Standerd Pritish speech is known as –
(A) RP
(D) None of these
32. American aglish differs from British English in the sphare of –
(A) spelling
(B) vocabulary
(C) grammar
(D) All the three
33. About __years ago, Latin was a world language.
(A) 600
(B) 700
(C) 800
(D) 900
34. In the last few decades of the ___ century, the English language has been rapid changes.
(A) 17th
(B) 18th
(C) 19th
(D) 20th
35. During the __century, an intelectual movement swept in Europe.
(A) 14th
(B) 15th
(C) 16th
(D) 17th
36. In his poetic words, Chaucer, did not use –
(A) the old English
(B) the Middle English
(C) the modern English
(D) None of these
37. “The Canterbury Tales’ was written by –
(A) Langland
(B) Chaucer
(C) Yeats
(D) None of these
38. ‘Paradis. Regained’ was written by –
(A) Shakespeare
(B) Keats
(C) Milton
(D) None of these
39. ‘Paradise Lost’ was written by –
(A) Milton
(B) Spenser
(C) Dickens
(D) None of these
English class 12th objective question 100 marks 2023
40. “The Rope of the Lock’ was written by –
(A) Shelly
(B) Alexander Pope
(C) Keats
(D) None of these
41. ‘Hydibras’ was written by –
(A) Dryden
(B) Vaughan
(C) Butler
(D) None of these
42. ‘Mac Flecknoe’ was written by-
(A) Dryden
(B) John Donne
(C) George Herbert
(D) None of these
43. ‘Faiery Queene’ was written by –
(A) Tennyson
(B) Spenser
(C) Arnold
(D) None of these
44. ‘Dr. Faustus’ was written by –
(A) Shakespeare
(B) Keats
(C) Christopher Marlowe
(D) None of these
45. ‘Edward-II’ was written by –
(A) Marlowe
(B) Spenser
(C) Milton
(D) None of these
46. ‘Venus and Adonis’ was written by –
(A) Keats
(B) Shakespeare
(C) Milton
(D) None of these
47. Wordsworth was a –
(A) novelist
(B) dramatist
(C) poet
(D) None of these
48. ‘Hamlet’ is a –
(A) tragedy
(B) comedy
(C) farce
(D) None of these
49. ‘King Lear’ is a –
(A) Comedy
(B) drama
(C) Poetry
(D) None of these
English ka objective 12th class 100 marks 2023
50. ‘Piers the plowman’ is written by –
(A) Spenser
(B) Milton
(C) Langland
(D) Congreve
51. ‘Othello’, ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’ and ‘King Learl were written by-
(A) Langland
(B) Marlowe
(C) Shakespeare
(D) Spenser
52. ‘Vision of Judgeinent’ was written by –
(A) Shelly
(B) John Keats
(C) Lord Byron
(D) None of these
53. ‘Revolt of Islam’ was written by –
(A) Lord Byron
(B) Shelly
(C) John Keats
(D) None of these
54. ‘The Scholar Gipsy’ has been written by –
(A) Matthew Arnold
(B) W.B. Yeats
(C) Robert Bridges
(D) J.M. Synge
55. ‘Sohrab and Rustam’ has been written by –
(A) W.B. Yeats
(B) Robert Bridge
(C) J.M. Synge
(D) Matthew Arnold
56. ‘The Gitanjali’ has been written by –
(A) Sarojini Naidu
(B) Rabindranath Tagore
(C) Aurobindo Ghosh
(D) None of these
57. ‘The Savitri’ has been written by –
(A) Aurobindo Ghosh
(B) Sarojini Naidu
(C) Rabindranath Tagore
(D) None of these
58. The word drama comes from a __ Word.
(A) Latin
(B) Scandinavian
(C) Greek
(D) American
59. Tragedy ends with —
(A) happiness
(B) sorrow
(C) both
(D) None of these
60. Comedy ends with —
(A) happiness
(B) sorrow
(C) both
(D) None of these
class 12th english bihar board model paper 2023
61. For a drama exposition is –
(A) evil
(B) futile
(C) essential
(D) None of these
62. Morality plays developed in –
(A) Ancient ages
(B) Middle ages
(C) Modern ages
(D) None of these
63. The first English tragedy was —
(A) Dr. Faustus
(B) Julius Caesar
(C) Gorboduc
(D) King Lear
64. ‘Othello’ is a –
(A) comedy
(B) tragedy
(C) novel
(D) story
65. ‘Murder in the Cathedral’ was written by —
(A) T.S. Eliot
(B) Shakespeare
(C) Marlowe
(D) None of these
66. ___is called the father of the modern novel.
(A) Richardson
(B) Fielding
(C) Johnson
(D) Dryden
67. ‘Pamela’ was written by –
(A) Defoe
(B) Richardson
(C) Jane Austene
(D) None of these
68. ‘Pride and Prejudice’ was written by –
(A) Goldsmith
(B) Fielding
(C) Jane Austene
(D) None of these
69. ‘David Copperfield’ was written by –
(A) Feilding
(B) Eliot
(C) Dickens
(D) None of these
70. ‘Pickwick Papers’ was written by –
(A) Scott
(B) Dickens
(C) Thackeray
(D) None of these
class 12 english बिहार बोर्ड मॉडल पेपर 2023
71. ‘Coolie’ was written by –
(A) Kiran Desai
(B) Anita Desai
(C) Raja Rao
(D) Mulk Raj Anand
72. ‘Serpent and the Rope was written by –
(A) Mulk Raj Anand
(B) Kamala Das
(C) Raja Rao
(D) R.K. Narayan
73. ‘Untouchable’ was written by –
(A) Mulk Raj Anand
(B) Anita Desai
(C) Raja Rao
(D) R.K. Narayan
74. ‘The God of Small Things’ is written by –
(A) Anita Desai
(B) Kamala Das
(C) Joru Dutt
(D) Arundhati Roy
75. ‘Train to Pakistan’ is written by-
(A) Manohar Malagaonkar
(B) Khushwant Singh
(C) Anita Desai
(D) R.K. Narayan A
76. ‘A Bent in the Ganges’ is written by –
(A) Khushwant Singh
(B) Anita Desai
(C) Manohar Malagaonkar
(D) Joru Dutt AI
77. ‘Arms and the Man’ is written by –
(A) Shakespeare
(B) G. B. Shaw
(C) Dickens
(D) T.S. Eliot An
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