class 12th english 100 marks objective bihar board-HOW FREE IS THE PRESS -inter exam 2022
class 12th english 100 marks : बिहार बोर्ड इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा 2022 के लिए अंग्रेजी 100 मार्क्स HOW FREE IS THE PRESS का महत्वपूर्ण ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन यहां पर दिया गया है। जो आपके बोर्ड परीक्षा के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, और साथ में HOW FREE IS THE PRESS अंग्रेजी 100 मार्क्स का मॉडल पेपर भी इस वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं नीचे आपको लिंक दिया गया है।
How free is the press objective question
[ 1 ] The news in the newspapers is generally –
(A) to the point
(B) somewhat changed
(C) completely changed
(D) None of these
[ 2 ] Decent journalists and responsible editors are not pleased with present affairs –
(A) true
(B) not true
(C) cannot be said
(D) None of these
[ 3 ] The press enjoys the –
(A) boldness of public
(B) the helpnessness of the public
(C) idleness of the public
(D) None of these
[ 4 ] The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by –
(A) two chief factors
(B) three chief factors
(C) four cheif factors
(D) None of these
[ 5 ] No widely circulated newspaper daręs support a public policy due to vested interest of-
(A) the government
(B) editor
(C) reporter
(D) advertisers
[ 6 ] A big circulation spells bankruptcy if the paper has to depend on –
(A) the sales
(B) advertisers
(C) salers
(D) None of these
[ 7 ] The policy of a newspaper is largely determined by—
(A) the government
(B) the public
(C) the proprietor
(D) None of these
[ 8 ] The auther has given the forms of misrepresentation,they are –
(A) five
(B) four
(C) seven
(D) six
[ 9 ] Dorothy L.Sayers was born in –
(A) 1863
(B) 1873
(C) 1883
(D) 1893
how free is the press question answer
[ 10 ] She died in –
(A) 1967
(B) 1957
(C) 1977
(D) 1987
[ 11 ] She was educated at –
(A) Cambridge
(B) Oxford
(C) both
(D) None of these
[ 12 ] In democracy, the freedom of press is –
(A) not necessary
(B) necessary
(C) dangerous
(D) None of these
[ 13 ] Freedom of press is restricted during –
(A) peace
(B) war
(C) epidemic
(D) None of these
[ 14 ] The state is the –
(A) master of the people
(B) servant of the people
(C) exploiter of the people
(D) None of these
[ 15 ] The heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is-
(A) official
(B) unofficial
(C) both
(D) None of these
[ 16 ] ‘How free is the Press’ is written by –
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Dorothy L. Sayers
(D) Dr Zakir Hussain
[ 17 ] Dorathy L. Sayers has written the lesson –
(A) I Have a Dream
(B) How free is the Press
(C) The Earth
(D) A child is Born
[ 18 ] Censorship is imposed during-
(A) election
(B) peaceful time
(C) emergency
(D) None of these
[ 19 ] casa……are careful not to antagonize the press.
(A) Doctors
(B) Traders
(C) Teachers
(D) Politicians
[ 20 ] The ……………. is not the master but the servant of the people.
(A) State
(B) Government
(C) Village
(D) District
how free is the press ka question answer
[ 21 ] Afree and fair press is the true watch ……….. of democracy.
(A) cat
(B) bird
(C) dog
(D) None of these
[ 22 ] The first chief source of a newspaper’s revenue is ………….
(A) donation
(B) debt
(C) grant by the governinent
(D) advertisement
[ 23 ] The ………… Press is, under ordinary conditions, singularly free.
(A) European
(B) British
(C) Indian
(D) Chinese
[ 24 ] The second chief source of a newspaper’s revenue is —
(A) debt
(B) donation
(C) the wealth of owner
(D) grant by the government
[ 25 ] The ……..ooo can make or break reputation.
(A) teacher
(B) press
(C) man
(D) None of these
[ 26 ] The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by orangan, chief factors.
(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
english ka objective 12th class 100 marks 2022
how free is the press vvi question answer
Here is the important objective question of English 100 Marks HOW FREE IS THE PRESS for Bihar Board Intermediate Exam 2022. Which is very important for your board exam, and along with the model paper of HOW FREE IS THE PRESS English 100 marks can also be downloaded from this website. Below is the link given to you.